Investment Activity Report

This report, filed via OSS, details capital investment, job creation, production output, and company obligations, focusing on operational and construction expenses.


This report can be filed through the OSS system. It covers the realization of capital investment, employment absorption, production of goods/services, and company obligations. In broad terms, it is a report on operational and construction costs.


Period of Validity

3 months.

Processing Time

14 business days.

What you can do with this document?

– Report all investment activities, including capital expenditure, land acquisition, machinery purchases, and construction projects.
– Provide updates on the status of ongoing projects and any changes in the investment plan.
– Include information about the number of employees, both local and foreign, hired during the reporting period.

What you can not do with this document?

– Miss the submission deadlines. Reports must be submitted on time to avoid dis-active of the company

Other Information

Document Requirements
– Finance report (Report on the amount of capital or expenses already realized for company development)

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