PT Local (PMDN)

A PT Local, or Local Investment Company (PMDN), is a business entity in Indonesia exclusively for Indonesian citizens.


A PT Local, or Local Investment Company (PMDN), is a business entity in Indonesia exclusively for Indonesian citizens. It is fully owned and managed by Indonesians, ensuring that all ownership and control remain with local citizens, following Indonesia’s regulations for local investments.


Period of Validity


Processing Time

30 business days.

What you can do with this business entity?

– Fully own and operate a business in Indonesia as an Indonesian citizen.
– Conduct business activities across various sectors within Indonesia.

What you can not do with this business entity?

– Have foreign ownership; must be owned entirely by Indonesian citizens.
– Engage in certain sectors reserved for foreign investment.

Other Information

Price above exclude
– NPWPD (regional tax registration)
– NPWP (personal tax registration per shareholder)
– LKPM (investment activity report – required every 3 months)
– RUPS (modifications of shareholders agreement)

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Apply your PT Local (PMDN) today!

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